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The Chairman’s Circle Weekly Briefing

The tattered paperback American Heritage Dictionary (1983 edition) on my desk defines the word “anniversary” as: “The annual recurrence of the date of an event that took place in a preceding year.”

Some anniversaries – like children’s birthdays and weddings – are ones to remember with joy. Others, like the events earlier this week to honor the victims of the 9/11 attacks, are somber occasions. Then there’s the anniversary that happened exactly four years ago this weekend: the Lehman Brothers collapse…

No doubt we’d all like to forget that one. Yet it’s an anniversary we, as investors, ought to remember, too.

It reminds us that “Mr. Market” has a ne’er-do-well uncle – “Mr. Uncertainty.” When the stock indexes do well, he stays in his lair, out of sight, down in the basement – and only seems to come up the steps and ruin the party at the most inopportune and unwelcome of times.

Profits, on the other hand, are always welcome…

That’s why Oxford Systems Trader’s Marc Lichtenfeld “rang the register” on a few positions this morning:

Until next week,

Jeff Yastine
Editorial Director
The Oxford Club

The Oxford Bond Advantage
Editor: Steve McDonald

The Momentum Alert
Editor: Alexander Green



The Insider Alert
Editor: Alexander Green

The Pacific Advantage Alert
Editor: Alexander Green

The FirstLine Investor Alert
Editor: Marc Lichtenfeld

The Oxford Systems Trader
Editor: Marc Lichtenfeld

The Peak Energy Strategist
Editor: David Fessler