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Three Keynotes Promise to Make This Year’s Investment U Conference a Landmark Event

Market Wake-Up Call

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From Baltimore – In my 30-plus years as the Club’s Executive Publisher and the founder of Investment U, I’ve never been so excited about a lineup of top-notch presenters.

At our upcoming 23rd Annual Investment U Conference, we will have – in-person or virtually – not only all of our chief Club strategists presenting but also, for the first time ever, three special keynote speakers. And their “Beyond Wealth” presentations promise to reveal some of the most thought-provoking ideas you’ve ever come across.

Two of these speakers happen to be personal friends of Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green. Alex is my guest today on Market Wake-Up Call. Together, we discuss why we are still going forward with the annual tradition of the Investment U Conference, which will take place from March 25 to 27 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The event is sold out, so now we are offering the LIVEstream to all registered Members.

The theme of this year’s conference is “A New Decade of Innovation and Prosperity: The Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs That Will Give You the Greatest Chances for Outstanding Profits.” Our experts will show you how to take advantage of key innovations – in healthcare, technology (including cryptocurrencies) and renewable energy – and ride potential gains all the way to the top.

“I am predicting that in the next couple of years, there’s going to be so much innovation, so much disruption, in so many different fields that there will be more wealth created in the next couple of years than in the past decade,” Alex says in today’s video.

In the video and below, you can learn more about the exciting three days we have planned for you virtually. And by registering now, you’ll also get an early bird discount.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to be present when we broadcast this starting on March 25. The presentations will be recorded, so you can watch them at your leisure. By registering now, you’ll soon be able to send in general questions about market events, before or during the event, to be answered by our panelists live.

That said, let me share with you a few stories to show why this year’s keynote speakers are so distinct and impressive…

Dan Buettner

Dan Buettner


Dan is a National Geographic Fellow, an avid explorer, an Emmy Award-winning journalist and producer, a New York Times bestselling author, and a Guinness World Record-holder for transcontinental cycling. In his decades of global exploration, Dan has discovered the five places in the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives. He calls these special places “Blue Zones.”

Dan has gone on to become a world-renowned speaker on longevity, as well as the bestselling author of books about these Blue Zones and how other societies (like our own) can learn about and adopt similar lifestyles to achieve longer and healthier lives. He will present to our Investment U Conference attendees “Blue Zones: Lessons From the World’s Longest-Lived People.”

John Mackey

John Mackey


John went from being a hippie, vegetarian college dropout to one of Fortune magazine’s “12 Greatest Entrepreneurs of Our Time” in the 2000s. In the ’70s, John and his girlfriend borrowed and raised money to start a health food store and restaurant. Over time, John helped steer that investment into becoming Whole Foods Market as CEO and founder. Today, he is a multimillionaire, many times over.

While running that business, John discovered that the narratives shared about capitalism by its enemies were wrong. He went from being a democratic socialist to what he calls a “conscious capitalist.”

John eschewed the conventional thinking that a business has to be “sort of ruthless and heartless” to be successful. He combined his commitments to economic and political freedom, personal growth, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship to create Conscious Capitalism Inc. And he will be addressing our conference attendees on why he believes that competitive companies must embrace conscious capitalism in their business models to succeed, for the benefit of both their employees and their customers.

Chris Hogan

Chris Hogan


Chris was an All-American football player at Georgetown University. Later, he received his master’s degree and started earning a living as a bill collector. During that time, he encountered many people struggling with heavy debt. It inspired Chris to help others get financially healthy. From there, he became a personal finance expert, working with people from all backgrounds to enable them to navigate their financial futures.

Today, Chris is a leading voice on retirement, investing and building wealth. He is a two-time No. 1 bestselling author, including his book Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age, It’s a Financial Number. He’s the host of the The Chris Hogan Show, which has been downloaded millions of times. Chris will be addressing our Investment U Conference attendees on how to “control the controllables” in our finances for a wealthier future.

When it comes to getting timely, early-in investment insights, there is no parallel to our annual Investment U Conference. We have an outstanding long-term track record for revealing winning market strategies early, with which Members have had multiple opportunities to earn triple-digit gains.

To see how our Investment U insights have stacked up in recent years and more about what you can look forward to this year, click on the link below to get my full invitation to our 23rd Annual Investment U Conference LIVEstream.

Get My Invitation!

You don’t want to miss it.

Enjoy your Sunday,
