The Oxford Club’s Plan for 2021
From Baltimore – Today, I’m the guest on Market Wake-Up Call with our gracious host, Associate Franchise Publisher Rachel Gearhart.
In the spirit of holiday cheer, we discuss some very exciting things on the horizon for the Club.
For one, the Club just passed its 30th anniversary! This year was not very celebratory, so I postponed the big anniversary celebration for the Club until sometime in 2021 when we can come together in person, if we want to. Stay tuned for details on that big event…
Today on Market Wake-Up Call, Rachel asked me what my favorite thing about The Oxford Club is.
Without a doubt, it’s creating new benefits for our Members. And for not only our Members but also our employees. Our goal at the Club, and the reason I get up every workday, is to help Members and my team live richer lives. And by now, you know that we mean more than just money.
In addition to that, I really love getting your feedback. This year, we’ve seen a record amount of feedback. Here are two great examples.
The first comes from Member Pat Douglass. “I started with $150,000 10 years ago,” Pat writes. “Today, I have $3.5 million, despite all my personal and family expenses. All of that growth was due to the recommendations I got from The Oxford Club.”
The second comes from a member of my team…
I’m thankful that our business was not upended like so many others and that we’ve been able to continue to thrive and help so many Members maintain control of their financial lives as the rest of the world went spinning out of control. I work with a group of resourceful, supportive, creative colleagues who have been up to every challenge thrown our way. I’m also thankful for our Members and their desire to improve their own lives. It’s their search for knowledge, understanding and a better life that allows us to provide the value we do every day.
Rachel tells me that when she started at the Club, about seven years ago, it looked far different from how it does now. Well, she can’t imagine what it looked like three decades ago! Of course, it was very different, both in size and in the technology available to us.
In 1989, we were called The Passport Club. We changed our name to The Oxford Club a few years later. Back then, I had just a very small, modest office. And, of course, we didn’t have internet broadcasting, research capabilities or cellphones like we have now. In a couple of years, we grew to a team of five (today, our team includes almost 140 employees).
We really had to bootstrap it back then, but our mission was to help Members have a richer life in all ways. And it remains exactly that today.
One thing that hasn’t surprised me about our growth is that our experts have guided us through many crises over the decades, including 9/11, 2008 and now the pandemic this year. We stayed invested in the market when a lot of people were running scared. Thank goodness for our Four Pillars of Wealth and investment principles.
What is surprising about our growth is how high the markets have soared over 30 years.
Fortunately, we’ve been well-diversified to take advantage of that boom. We’ve never been doom-and-gloomers, no matter what the economy and markets have thrown our way. We just stay well-allocated across many sectors, using diversified asset classes and investment strategies. This allows us to always be ready for a booming sector or opportunity while never taking an unacceptable loss.
And finally, Rachel asked what I most look forward to for the future of The Oxford Club.
This is important. We’re now in a digital age. So I would like to see The Oxford Club become more innovative in this regard and help Members with better, user-friendly tools on the website to help them organize their financial lives, make faster decisions and earn greater profits.
I’m also looking forward to getting back to seeing Members again in person at our financial events. We have the most stellar financial conferences and five-star experiences. Sometimes, it feels like one big happy family reunion when we get together. No doubt it will be a huge party when we finally come together again in 2021.
And our annual Investment U Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, in the spring may be our first opportunity to do that. I sincerely hope to see you there!
Happy New Year to you,
P.S. Right now, I’m sending out invitations to Members to join our new Oxford Council… a special VIP membership at our highest level, which will allow you to be first in line for many of the new benefits and services we are launching in 2021. That includes invitations from our top strategists to help them beta-test new approaches to making money. It will be a very exclusive group, and if you want more details on how The Oxford Council will work, just click here.