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The 2020 Gold Outlook… Revised

Video - Green, Fessler, Lichtenfeld

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From the Baltimore Clubhouse – At this time last year, I was on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

I was a guest of Frank E. Holmes, CEO and chief investment officer of U.S. Global Investors, one of the Club’s Pillar One Advisors. He invited a small group of colleagues and friends to help celebrate the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Global Go Gold and Precious Metal Miners ETF (NYSE: GOAU).

Frank spoke to us about the gold market and why his exchange-traded fund (ETF) has been outperforming not only the S&P 500, but also all the other popular gold miner indexes.

And now we are approaching the three-year anniversary of the U.S. Global Go Gold and Precious Metal Miners ETF… and despite a volatile year, I’m pleased to announce that his fund’s outperformance has continued…

Chart - U.S. Global Gold Fund

There are a few specific reasons for this great performance.

For one, Frank employs active management strategies that no one else (that we know of) is using. Furthermore, 30% of his fund is invested in royalty companies in the precious metals sector as opposed to only pure mining companies. (To view all of U.S. Global’s ETFs, click here.)

In today’s Market Wake-Up Call, Frank joined Club Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green and Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld during our Private Wealth Seminar in Park City, Utah, to talk about the gold market and how to profit from it.

“Year to date,” Frank said, “[gold] has outperformed the S&P. And the royalty companies, like Franco-Nevada, have crushed Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway for the past decade… and Buffett’s been so wrong on gold.”

Frank also shares the following insights:

Minimizing downside risks in a zero interest rate world is one reason the Core Portfolio of the Oxford Wealth Pyramid suggests a 5% asset allocation into precious metals.

With gold on a tear, this is one of the best interviews you will watch this year on how to allocate into it.

In addition, Alex, Marc and Frank discuss the importance of exposure to emerging market investments. They also address companies that – despite all odds – are still raising their dividends.

You won’t want to miss this discussion!

Enjoy your Sunday,


P.S. To learn more about U.S. Global Investors, visit its website here, email or call 800.873.8637. To view all of its ETFs, click here.