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Who Will Win the Club’s Track Record Award?

Video - Steve McDonald and David Fessler

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From the Baltimore Clubhouse – We’ve entered the fourth quarter of The Oxford Club’s fiscal year. So far, it’s going very well when it comes to the Club’s business and organizational health. We are growing (and hiring!). Our beloved Clubhouse is starting to feel a bit tight.

Oxford Club Headquarters

I want to take this opportunity to welcome thousands of new Members to the exclusive Oxford Insight newsletter and its Sunday Market Wake-Up Call mailing.

This is indeed a banner year for us. We’ve expanded our membership to record levels. This is in large part due to the popular Great American Wealth Project, a timely webinar organized and hosted by media personality Bill O’Reilly and Club Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green. Bill is a longtime Chairman’s Circle Member of the Club and a big fan of Alex… so he was the perfect host to interview Alex about improving financial literacy in America. (If you haven’t seen the interview, you can check it out here.)

Moving into the fourth quarter means it’s the season when Alex and our other Club strategists begin to get a bit more competitive with each other… in a good way. They all want to end the year posting their best trading track records ever, for your benefit. This friendly competition culminates at our holiday party in December when I present the winning editors with the Club’s annual “bling” track record awards.

So how are they doing so far? Well, the competition is close. However, one Club editor you may not know well is grabbing my attention with his impressive year-to-date return: Energy and Infrastructure Strategist David Fessler.

Check out the year-to-date return from his Fessler’s Flash Profits trading service below.

Dave Fessler's Track Record

In addition to heading up Fessler’s Flash Profits, Dave is the author of the bestselling book The Energy Disruption Triangle and a regular contributor to Strategic Trends Investor. Today, Dave joins Market Wake-Up Call Host Steve McDonald to talk about why he thinks there’s still upside in today’s market and how to play it for returns like you see in his year-to-date performance above.

Prior to joining the Club, Dave was an engineer in telecommunications, working with several big-name companies. Besides being an avid outdoorsman, Dave was always a passionate investor. He joined The Chairman’s Circle decades ago to become a better investor. Between his high-powered telecommunications job and his investing prowess, he was able to retire in his 50s.

With his spare time, he developed his own investing system. More than 10 years ago, Dave pitched this system to Alex and me to join our financial strategist team. The rest is history. Even a tragic accident that left him partially paralyzed seven years ago did not deter Dave. He’s since won several “bling” track record awards for his services.

For longer-term, risk-averse investors, I believe patience will be rewarded if you focus a bit more on value over growth today when buying stocks.

However, if you’re not feeling patient and if you have the capital and risk tolerance to trade for short-term profits, Fessler’s Flash Profits deserves your serious consideration. It’s easy to employ, and it’s one of the best-performing trading services in the history of the Club.

Enjoy your Sunday,
