Hi, everybody. I’m Steve McDonald, and this is your Market Wake-Up Call.

As you can see, I’m alone this week. We don’t have a guest. I wanted to take this time to talk to you about the work I’ve been doing with conservative investors – folks who have reached the point in their lives where they don’t need the thrills of the stock rodeo anymore.

These are people who have come to realize the tremendous volatility we’ve seen in the stock market in the past year doesn’t fit who they are, their goals or their age.

They’re smart enough to know that if they lose all or part of their nest egg at their ages, there’s no way to replace it.

It’s all about reducing the risk level in your holdings, but, at the same time, earning returns greater than stock market returns day after day after day.

I call it a perpetual bull market. This is a bull market that is not affected by rate increases or what the folks in Washington do – and they’re doing a heck of a job this week, aren’t they? It’s not affected by the ups and downs in the stock market either. It pays every day, all day, 365 days a year, year after year.

Yes, I know this sounds hokey as all get out – too over-the-top to believe – but I’m here to tell you that I have been doing this for 11 years.

Actually, I’ve been developing and refining this system since 1991 when I first went to work in the brokerage business.

To make this work, you have to learn a few new rules and a few new terms. And you have to have matured as an investor. That’s so important. You have to have matured to the point where you now know the key to making money isn’t picking the right penny stock, hitting it big on a certain option or even getting lucky on a couple of picks…

It’s about market wisdom, discipline, patience and fundamentals. Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green talks about this all the time: fundamentals.

If you’re watching this hoping I’m going to give you a stock symbol that’s going to make you rich overnight, go back to your Sunday paper and the crossword puzzle.

I’m here for the serious investors who have realized their time to accumulate money for retirement is getting shorter every year. And those who understand they cannot afford the losses that have accumulated in the stock market panics not just of 2018, but of 2008 and 2009, 2000, 2004, 1987, and the list goes on and on and on.

If you reach the point where you know there’s got to be a better way, I am here to tell you that I can show you that way.

There’s no magic here. You have to be able to follow directions, and, as I said earlier, you have to be serious about your money. Because, in case you haven’t figured it out, not having enough money to retire or, God forbid, running out of money in retirement is serious business.

If you have as little as $20,000, I can show you how, if you’re willing to get off the Las Vegas investment wagon, you can have positive returns in your portfolio and a perpetual bull market – that means every day.

I’m not asking you to take my word. I know how ridiculous this sounds to some of you who have been losing their butts in the market for years. What I am asking you to do is click on the link below and watch the special report that I have recorded.

In it, I detail all the particulars about how to get a part of a bull market that never ends. I also go into detail about investments – not one is a stock – that have returned single-, double- and triple-digit returns in as little as several months.

And all of the returns are legally guaranteed to you. And most of you know that I can’t use the word guaranteed unless someone on our legal team has approved it.

That’s all I’m going to say for now on the subject. Click on the link and take a look at this. If it’s not worth your time, it didn’t cost you a dime.

But if it does for you what it has done for me and thousands of other people, it will be the best and most profitable 20 or 30 minutes you’ll ever spend.

It might even save your retirement.

The link is below, and the choice is yours.

Thank you so much for being a part of this. I hope to see you down the road.