Control Shares of the World’s Most Profitable Stocks... for PENNIES on the dollar!

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Why Marc? Why Penny Options? Why Now?

July 9, 2022

Dear Reader,

Hi. I'm Kym McNicholas, an Emmy Award-winning reporter...

And the host of Marc Lichtenfeld's Penny Options Summit airing on July 14 at 2 p.m. ET.

In my career as an investigative journalist, I've interviewed some of the all-time best across the industries.

Entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson...

Facebook's Sean Parker...

Comedy's Jay Leno...

Even the NFL's Jerry Rice.

And there's one thing they all have in common...

A unique grittiness that allowed them to devise a winning strategy and carry it out at a high level.

For example, most people may recognize him as the first president of Facebook...

But Sean Parker initially used his gritty entrepreneurial spirit to start the online music sharing company Napster.

Jay Leno became famous for his legendary opening monologues as the host of The Tonight Show...

But he honed his craft throughout the 80s by booking more than 300 appearances every year in clubs, bars and other not-so-glitzy venues.

And of course, Jerry Rice is one of the greatest receivers in the history of the NFL...

But what got him from obscure Mississippi State Valley University all the way to G.O.A.T. status was his unrivaled hustle and workout regimen.

And then there's Sir Richard Branson, the person I know best from this list.

I had the pleasure of working as a director on his global startup competition, Extreme Tech Challenge, helping to vet more than 4,000 startups over three years.

Richard is well known as the entrepreneur and founder of Virgin Airlines...

But most people don't know the story behind how he started the company.

It began when he was a passenger stranded on the tarmac in Puerto Rico, trying to get to his girlfriend in the British Virgin Islands.

Instead of doing nothing, Richard found out how much it would cost to charter his own plane...

He broke the price down per passenger on the stranded flight...

Then he borrowed a chalk board from the flight attendants and wrote this: "$39 one way to BVI."

That charter became Virgin Atlantic's first flight.

My point is, no matter what industry you're in...

It takes grit and the right strategy to get you to the top.

Marc is the Chief Income Strategist at The Oxford Club, one of the top financial firms in the world.

But most people don't know that he started out as an on-air news reporter.

You heard that right.

He's been the ring announcer for world title fights on HBO, Showtime and ESPN.

He's even laced up the gloves and sparred with a world boxing champion.

More importantly, Marc began his career as an investment analyst 25 years ago with Carlin Equities...

Where he was in charge of roughly $5 million worth of trades... DAILY.

That's more than $1.2 BILLION... every single year.

Cut to today...

More than 275,000 people have signed up to receive his research daily.

Millions have seen him featured on Fox Business and CNBC and in The Wall Street Journal.


He's an Amazon No. 1 bestselling author of two Book of the Year Award winners...

Get Rich with Dividends and You Don't Have to Drive an Uber in Retirement.


And it's some of Marc's individual stock recommendations that have made him so popular with his readers...

Over the past 12 1/2 years, he has shown his readers 442 winning recommendations - roughly 36 per year.

That includes nearly 100 triple-digit winners.

And on July 14, we're going to discuss his winningest trading strategy of all time.

He calls these trades "penny options" because they allow you to invest in some of the world's most profitable companies for pennies on the dollar.

They're responsible for more than 60% of his top triple-digit winning recommendations.

I can't wait to dig into all the details about HIS winning strategy...

Because from what I've seen so far, I know it's on par with the best.

I can't wait to see you there!

And remember, if you haven't already signed up to receive text reminders leading up to the moment we go live, you can do that here now.

And for any articles you may have missed about the event, you can see them here.


Kym McNicholas
Host, Marc Lichtenfeld's Penny Options Summit