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[VIDEO PREVIEW!] Tomorrow’s BIG Can’t-Miss Event (What You Should Know)

July 13, 2022

Marc here with a brief overview of everything you need to know going into tomorrow's can't-miss event of the year...

The Penny Options Summit.

One question I'm getting more and more from my readers is...

"How can I make enough money to beat inflation and increase my wealth in today's crazy markets?"

That's why I'm going on air tomorrow to reveal details on a brand-new strategy that focuses solely on a unique investment I call "penny options."

I put together a brief preview of tomorrow's event.

And in it, I cite a study that proves the profitability of this unique strategy.

Simply click the video below to watch.

Tomorrow, I'll be joined on set by Emmy Award-winning journalist Kym McNicholas...

And together, we'll pull back the curtain and reveal everything you need to know about how penny options allow you to risk far fewer dollars in the markets...

And still have the chance at massive returns like many of my esteemed readers have already seen.

Chris M. said the following about my AbbVie recommendation that shot up 907% in 10 months...

Hi Marc, I just wanted to say thank you. I made almost $100,000 on that trade. After 20 years of trading, I know that there are few people out there that know what they are doing and can deliver. You are one of them. Thanks again, and much appreciated! -Chris M.

You'll also have the opportunity to get my No. 1 penny options windfall opportunity.

There's no question that things are tough in the market and economy these days.

But I believe that while everything costs more... your wealth and your chance at a comfortable retirement shouldn't suffer.

I'm so grateful that you signed up to attend my Penny Options Summit happening tomorrow at 2 p.m. ET.

It promises to be a life-changing event, especially in these turbulent times.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the summit!

Marc Lichtenfeld

P.S. I know life can be hectic. That's why I encourage you to sign up to receive text reminders leading up to the event (if you haven't already). We'll alert you right before the event starts. That way you don't have to think about it.