Control Shares of the World’s Most Profitable Stocks... for PENNIES on the dollar!

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The Solution to the Biggest Problem Facing YOU Today

July 10, 2022

Dear Reader,

There's a huge problem that Americans are facing today...

And everybody knows what I'm talking about.

The prices of everything from food to gasoline to clothing to real estate to even used cars have gone way up.

For example...


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported the highest food inflation growth since 1981.

The price of gasoline went up 80% between January 2021 and March this year.

Real estate is setting new records, going up at its fastest rate since 2007.

That means homeowners are paying higher taxes too.

And used car and truck prices shot up 37% last year!

All of this is outpacing Americans' incomes.

And more and more people are looking to their investments to make up the gap.

What you need is a more affordable way to put less of your money at risk...

But still have BIG, explosive short-term upside potential.

That's why my team and I spent the last several months auditing our own recommendations.

And thanks to our readers...


We found the solution staring us in the face: "penny options."

Remember, we found that 61% of our triple-digit winning recommendations over the past 12 1/2 years came from this unique, low-priced corner of the market.

Anyone could've taken part in our penny options trades for pennies on the dollar.

Overall, we've found that they can double or go even higher (327%... 449%... 488%... 636%... even as high as 907%!)...

With an average holding time of just 92 days (however, one 443% winner happened in just 10 days!).

And again, this powerful solution started with my loyal readers...

The people who graciously wrote in to share their experiences with me.

They opened my eyes to the life-changing outcomes these penny options generated.

And some of their words had a huge impact on me.

Especially given the current economic environment.

One 74-year-old woman - Karen W. - was counting down the months that she would be able to stay in her apartment.


I'm happy to say that one of my penny options recommendations helped extend her stay by another month.

William B., a paralyzed veteran, had lost his ability to work.


He invested in some of my recommendations, and now he says he's able to provide for his family again.

It was really touching for him to say we gave him a sense of purpose and value in his life again.

I can't emphasize this enough...

These people and more like them changed the course of my overall investment strategy.

It opened my eyes to the transformative power that penny options can have on real peoples' lives.

It's the very reason I'm going LIVE on air THIS THURSDAY at 2 p.m. ET to share all the details about my proprietary moneymaking strategy.

While inflation runs rampant and digs into everybody's wallet in ways we haven't seen since the 70s...

I believe it's of critical importance - in fact, it's my MISSION - that my readers have the ability to invest in some of the world's most profitable companies for pennies on the dollar...

And still have the chance to make outsized gains.


You've just seen a few of the immensely impactful stories that my readers have shared.

It's an honor to be in a position to help people not only make it through this rough economic environment...

But potentially come out the other side... RICHER than when they came in.

This is what drives me.

This is why I can't wait for the Penny Options Summit this THURSDAY at 2 p.m. ET.

I hope you're as excited as I am.

This is going to be fun...

And ultimately... life-changing.

Good investing,

Marc Lichtenfeld

P.S. I've just received word that we have more than 105,500 people who have signed up to attend.

That's incredible!

If you haven't signed up to receive text reminders leading up to the event, you can do that here.

And if you've missed any of my special messages, I encourage you to go here to see them.