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YOUR #1 Penny Options Windfall Preview

July 12, 2022

Marc Lichtenfeld here with a much-anticipated update before we go LIVE on Thursday at 2 p.m. for the Penny Options Summit!

As promised, this is your preview of my No. 1 penny options windfall opportunity.

Of course, you'll have the chance to get the name and ticker symbol of this trade at the summit.

But I wanted to show you the potential of this penny options recommendation here in my latest installment.

As you can imagine, this is a time-sensitive recommendation.

That's because this stock is on the verge of six huge catalysts, any one of which could potentially send its shares soaring immediately.

And one of the most powerful catalysts is an upcoming trial result on a prized drug...

Which could have a huge impact on the stock price.

For example, after Aquinox Pharmaceuticals reported favorable trial results on its bladder drug, its stock soared to a peak of 2,650% in just three days.


My research leads me to believe my No. 1 penny options company is going to experience a similar, positive result.

So you obviously need to act quickly if you're interested in taking full advantage and giving yourself the best chance at the most profits.

More specifically, I recommend you act on this trade before August 1.

Or you could miss out completely.

And here's why...

We're entering a stage in the U.S. economy where penny options are becoming even more valuable.

As almost everything gets more and more expensive...

People are scrambling to find low-priced investments that can make a huge difference in their everyday lives.

Over the past several months, I've been tracking this specific opportunity...

It involves a small $5 billion drug company...

That recently inked a partnership with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca that's potentially worth $3.5 billion.

That's 65% the size of this company's market cap, which is absolutely HUGE.

And that's just the start.

That $3.5 billion is based on the strength of just one drug's Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials...

Which is encouraging enough.

But this company also recently received an important and often lucrative "orphan drug" designation from the Food and Drug Administration...

Handing it seven years of market exclusivity.

Now, if the Phase 3 data - which the company says will be out this year - proves the drug is safe and effective...

The FDA could approve it in short order.

Which means a big potential profit opportunity for you.

As Yahoo Finance reports...

FDA events can send stocks soaring...

YAHOO: FDA Events Can Send Stocks Soaring

If the FDA approves this new drug, AstraZeneca has agreed to use its commercial might to market the drug worldwide.

Make no mistake - this one drug could result in billions of dollars in future sales for this $5 billion firm.

So there's a ton of momentum behind this opportunity.

But again, that's just the start.

This firm has not one, not two... but six therapeutics in its Phase 3 pipeline as we speak.

So at this point, positive news on any one of them could send shares of the company through the roof.

The potential here is astounding.

Better yet... this company is standing on firm financial grounds...

By that I mean it already has $2 billion in cash on the books.

And even if it were to pay off all of its short- and long-term debt right now...

It would still be sitting on $800 million in cash.

So it's flush with cash in order to bring its prized drugs to market.

And yet, incredibly, not a lot of people are paying attention to it right now.

So when good news comes out, I'm expecting analysts to be SHOCKED... then immediately scramble with stock upgrades.

If that happens, you could sit back and watch as current shareholders - like T. Rowe Price, The Vanguard Group and BlackRock, just to name a few - go all in.

And while the S&P 500 is way down since it last peaked in January...

Volatility hasn't hurt this stock. It's actually up in 2022!

I've got a lot more to show you regarding this stock at the big event.

And you'll have the chance to get full details on it at the end of my Penny Options Summit on Thursday.

While everything is challenging these days in the economy and the market...

We are sitting on the precipice of a great opportunity.

You'll see how penny options give you a great edge at a time like now.

Get ready... We're just two days away from what promises to be a life-changing experience!

Marc Lichtenfeld

P.S. If you haven't already signed up to receive text reminders leading up to the event, go here and do that now.

And you can go here to see my previous installments.