Control Shares of the World’s Most Profitable Stocks... for PENNIES on the dollar!

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Average of 22% PER MONTH Over a Nine-Year Period? (That’s Huge!)

July 8, 2022

Dear Reader,

Marc here with my latest and most important installment yet...

To prepare you for the Penny Options Summit, airing on July 14 at 2 p.m. ET.

I want you to take a quick look at this...

AMD - a world-renowned leader in semiconductors - was trading for $53 when I recommended it to my readers.

article clipping

That means to control 100 shares, you'd have paid $5,300.

However, by utilizing my super simple "penny options" strategy...

My readers were able to control the same 100 shares for just $463 - or $4.63 per share.

Over the next two months, regular shares of the stock went up a pretty remarkable 54%.

But the people who followed my recommendation and went for the "discounted" shares...

Were able to see their investments skyrocket 326% over the same two months.

Now consider this...

Say you'd taken the same $5,300 that you could have put into regular shares...

And instead, you'd invested that money in these discounted shares...

You could have walked away $22,578 richer just two months later.

bar chart

Now, not every trade goes this well.

But over the past 12 1/2 years, I've clocked 442 winning trades (roughly 36 per year)...

And of my nearly 100 triple-digit winning recommendations...

More than 60% came from this special corner of the market that allows you to control shares of some very successful companies for just $5 or less.

a list of investments

That's proof enough for me that, even in today's inflated economy, these special investments can give anyone looking to increase their wealth... a huge advantage.

But I'm not the only one saying that underpriced options can make you a lot of money.

In fact, a famous study conducted jointly by the Swiss Finance Institute, Emory University and University of Texas at Dallas...

Found that a simple strategy of buying the "cheapest" call options available...

average monthly return bar chart

Would have earned an average of 22% PER MONTH over a nine-year period.

Due to the power of compounding... that's an incredible annualized gain of 987% across the entire portfolio... over nearly nine years.

That's massive!

Now, let me explain what they were doing in this study and why my penny options strategy is even better.

The study took all 3,885 stocks trading in the U.S. equity option market at the time...

And sorted them into 10 groups from the cheapest options to the most expensive.

What they found was that the cheapest options beat every other "tier" of options by a wide margin...

A significant finding.

But that's where their criteria ended.

They were simply testing to see if the cheapest options would outperform more expensive options.

They weren't looking at any other factors... like whether or not the company with the cheap option was fundamentally sound.

If the option was cheap, it was good enough for them.

And they still saw some remarkable returns.

But my strategy takes it way further.

My team and I have more than 50 years of investment research experience between us.

Instead of going out and simply recommending investments in the cheapest options on the market...

We're applying a host of other metrics with the goal of showing our readers the BEST underpriced options period.

There's a huge difference between "cheap" and "underpriced."

Not only are we looking for low entry prices of $5 or less (which can be a huge benefit in a time when everything is more expensive)...

More importantly, we're looking at fundamentally sound companies with significant market caps that are increasing revenues at a rapid pace.

There's a lot more that goes into it, and I'll reveal more at the event.

But for now, I want you to take one more look at the wins my readers have seen...

a list of investments

When I recommended these companies to my readers, each of them shared most of the traits that I just mentioned...

And they went on to rack up some remarkable gains.

Between this proof and the numbers from the joint study above...

You've got a strong argument for the power of penny options.

This is why I'm so excited to pull back the curtain and show you ALL the details behind our great success with penny options.

I hope you're also looking forward to attending the Penny Options Summit on July 14 at 2 p.m. ET.

Just as a reminder, I've posted several more installments like this one to help you get ready for the big day. If you've missed any of them, you can see them all here.

And if you haven't yet signed up to receive text reminders leading up to the big event, I encourage you to click here and do that now.

I wouldn't want you to miss out on anything.

Keep your eyes open for my next article tomorrow...

And I'll see you on July 14!

Marc Lichtenfeld